Refuse Pick-up

Refuse Pick-Up

It is important that the following guidelines are followed to ensure that all refuse put out will be picked up:

  1. All refuse is to be stored within each unit until Trash Day. (Thursday Morning@ 6:00 AM)
  2. All refuse is to be put out for pick-up in SEALED HEAVY PLASTIC BAGS.
  3. Cans, plastic bottles and glass must be placed loose in the red recycling bins.
  4. All newspaper is to be put in paper bags for the red recycling bin, marked WARREN CITY REFUSE DEPARTMENT.
  5. All boxes should be broken down and tied in bundles. Pick-up will be once a week on THURSDAY mornings. Do not put refuse out until WEDNESDAY EVENING AFTER 6:00 P.M.
  6. During a Holiday week trash pick-up, will be delayed one day to Friday morning, so refuse shall not be put outside until THURSDAY EVENING AFTER 6:00 P.M. for the Friday pickup.
  7. Refuse is to be bagged and then placed in neat piles in your designated areas.
  8. No refuse is to be left anywhere other than the designated areas or at any other time.
  9. Any trash or trash bags that are left out in violation of these rules/regulations need to be removed immediately. Should the co-owner(s)/tenant(s) not remove the trash or trash bags in violation of these rules/regulations, any charge incurred by the Association in removing the trash or trash bags shall be the responsibility of the Co-owner(s) whose unit the trash or trash bags originated from.

    These costs and fees are not a fine, but shall be charged to the Co-owner(s)’ account pursuant to Article XI, Section1(c) of the Condominium Bylaws when the Association has to remove or abate a condition in violation of the Governing Documents. In addition, the Association will also send out Violation Notices to Co-owner(s) whom violate these provisions, and fine them pursuant to the procedure set forth in the bylaws and these rules and regulations.

    * Please be aware if refuse is placed on the grounds before designated pick-up times, the Association or Management Company may hire a third party to pick up that refuse. Thereafter, a charge-back for that third-party cost may be assessed to the co-owner’s account.
Garbage Truck Graphic


The city of Warren receives money for recycled material as opposed to having to pay to have refuse removed as garbage. Recycle pick-ups are at the same days and locations as for the garbage pick-ups.

  1. Refuse for recycling should be placed about 5 feet from the garbage within the designated pick-up area.
  2. Material should be placed in a recycle bin or in a clear plastic bag, 5 feet from the garbage.
  3. All newspaper should be tied into bundles.
  4. All boxes should be broken down and tied into bundles.
  5. Recycling bins may be purchased for $8. Call (586) 775-1400 for information.
  6. Click here for Recycle Material Guidelines.